This is where the rest of the bodies get dumped. The ramblings that don't fit into a nice, neat category.
The thoughts and observations on the state of American society and politics. And the stuff that I couldn't justify
putting under the category that it fit under.
This page will probably get the most updates, because things are getting weird in this country. (Note: It's
been well over a year since I've updated. The incredible amount of stupidity and atrocity committed has rendered me
helpless in the face of such an overwhelming amount of information. "Mission Accomplished." Wiretaps. Two
key Supreme Court justices stepping down during the reign of King George II. All of the smoke and mirrors designed to
turn the attention of the average American away from what's going on right in front of our faces. The death throes of
Liberty and Freedom in this nation. Note 2: One of these days, I'll post abstracts of the rants. I just
don't have the time or energy right now.)
Changes (the new look)
So You Want To Be A Terrorist
Theories on the modern State