I was looking at the site, and I realized that if I kept going with it the way I have been, the front page would be one
big directory. That's a bad thing, since it makes it difficult to find anything. And it looks bad.
So, I've started to make sub-categories. Each page on the navigation bar (with a couple of exceptions) leads to
a sub-category. That page gives a brief description of what's covered, along with links to those rants and screeds (the
underlined stuff).
New screeds will appear on the main directory for a week or two (depending on how often I get time to update), and then
will be relegated to one of the sub-directories. Where they will remain forever (or until the government decides that
free speech is too dangerous for the citizens).
I've tried to make the categories self-explanatory. Whether or not they are is another story.
Over the next few weeks, I hope to add new features to the site, so keep checking back.
Peace and revol!