The Goerge W. Bush "I didn't inhale" top eleven list:
11. He couldn't get the G-note tight enough.
10. It was too hard to cut the line with an electric razor.
9. He was having sinus problems from the last line that he did.
8. The carbonation in the Coke hurt his nose too much.
7. He blew the Texas education budget on guns and booze, and didn't have enough
left for an 8-ball.
6. It was more fun to shoot it up while signing the execution order.
5. Had to flush the 8-ball to show his part in the "War on Drugs."
4. He got distracted making funny faces in the mirror.
3. He found out the speed gave a better rush.
2. His nieces wouldn't share.
1. He was too busy bogarting the joint.